Pregnancy Fitness Classes in Plymouth
Stay Strong, Make Friends, Prepare for Birth.
Suitable from 12 weeks.
Mondays 7-8pm Stoke Damerel Community College

Pregnancy 'Active Bump' Class
Join the Active Bump classes to enhance your pregnancy journey and enjoy an active and healthy pregnancy.
Workout safely with a trained pre and postnatal fitness instructor and meet other mums-to-be to grow your support network for pregnancy and beyond.
Suitable from 12 weeks.
New classes starting September 2024!
What can I expect in a pregnancy fitness class?
Our 1 hour pregnancy fitness class includes a fun circuit based session working out to music, followed by stretching and relaxation.
You will tone and strengthen using equipment such as light hand weights and resistance bands. You will keep your heart healthy and improve circulation through cardio based exercises and you will have weekly focus time on maintaining core and pelvic floor strength.

What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy?
Staying active in pregnancy helps:
Reduce the risk of pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure.
Reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes, and helps maintain a healthy weight.
Support and strengthen your body and manage pressures on the spine, pelvis and abdominals.
Alleviate symptoms such as constipation, back ache, swelling, fatigue and sickness.
Regulate hormones to help you sleep better.

How will my baby benefit from a pregnancy exercise class?
Your baby will love the movement of you exercising and the music and voices from the class! You will both enjoy time to connect and bond when we enjoy some relaxation time.
How will exercise help prepare for labour & birth?
Building strength and endurance through exercise can potentially help make labour easier and quicker, you may have fewer complications and recover quicker.
The ‘feel good’ effects of exercise on mood and stress during pregnancy will also help you to feel calm and positive about your labour and birth.